Post-Doctoral Member

Post-Doctoral Members hold a postdoctoral research position not to exceed 4 years in duration. Only postdoctoral researchers are eligible for this membership category and for a maximum of four years. Individuals who hold or have held a more senior academic role or faculty position for any length of time are not eligible for this category and should apply as Regular Members. Verification document attesting the postdoctoral role will be required at the time of application and can be provided by the section supervisor, Department Chair or Dean of the applicant’s institution.

Membership Dues: $55.00

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Education Information





- Include graduate schools attended, degress and dates completed

Are you currently a Student in an accredited program?

Have NOT been a PhD member in the ADM for longer than 4 years (If yes, please request change to Regular ADM Member)

Affiliation Information

Other Information

List authors, article title, publication name and published date.
Example: Fitzpatrick BJ, Brockhurst P, Gullotta E. Determination of gold alloy loss during the production of cast dental restorations. USAn Dent Journal; Accepted for publication January 1998

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